Saturday 8 March 2014

Creative Briefs and Marketing Solutions: Task 3

A). Mind Map - Initial Ideas

B) Marketing Strategy 

The aim of this campaign is to promote the 50 Shades of Grey film to a wider audience, by using social media this can easily be achieved worldwide.
The target market is 18+ as this is the certificate for the film and social networking is a big part of young adults lives.

C). Marketing Plan
Product Definition

Situation Analysis 

- Nothing has been released before the book like it, and the film is also the first mainstream of it's kind.
- The books had a lot of controversy; although some reviews were bad, people we're still talking about the book; creating a bigger buzz.


- Bad reviews on the book may dismiss people from seeing the film.
- The target market is predominately middle aged women, so it has a niche market.


- Using twitter as a way to interact with fans; for example creating a Hashtag and fan twitters.
- Using YouTube as promotion by creating Cast video diaries, exclusive promotions.
- Film website, with special features.


- More movies coming out around the same time.
- Criticism of the book itself.

Competitive Environment 

Even though the book has been extremely popular worldwide, the film world is harder to break into. The film will have to compete for the public's attention with other films being released around that time. Such as Run All Night; an action/thriller film starring Liam Neeson who also stars in Taken which was hugely popular with a wide target audience.

Target Market research

The target market is mainly middle aged women but both older and younger generations have also read the books. It's mainly women that the film would target. The film is set to be released on Valentines Day 2015; which may also target couples.


As the films is produced by Universal Pictures, the marketing will have a large budget, In order to compete with other films marketing campaigns the budget for this project will be around $10,000,000. This will include the red carpet events, fan events, billboards/posters and social networking.

Action Plan

The action plan is to sell the film worldwide to not only the current fans but also gain new fans and gain a wider audience. Using social media will be a big part in this campaign as a lot of people use social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, also using YouTube. But also use street advertisements such billboards and posters in phone boxes for example. Also pages in magazines advertising the film.

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