Friday 27 September 2013

Marketing and PR: The Big Six Questions

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service. It is a critical business function for attracting customers.
Lots of companies have different interpretations of what marketing is for example;
  • promoting a product.
  • financing/budgeting a product.
  • selling a product.
  • USP'S.
  • understanding the audience.
This industry is competitive and to get your product out there and recognised you need to take a lot of things in to consideration including; who your market is, developing your product to the highest standard, pricing and placing products and promotions.

What is involved in a marketing campaign?

There are many aspects of a marketing campaign including promotional activities which could include; street promotion such as handing out leaflets, endorsements, sponsorships and events such as premiers or parties. There is also Print Marketing which could include; adverts, posters, leaflets. Then there is also Direct Marketing; this includes a lot of ways of marketing a product, such as the internet; using social networking, YouTube, viral marketing, emails and the most effect way of marketing; Word of Mouth. 

What is PR?

PR stands for Public Relations. It is about managing the message, some people see it as exposure. PR is important for a organisation because it communicates a message in a way that doesn't put a mass audience off and the public depends on it. 

How has marketing strategy/technique changed over the past 10 years?

The main way marketing technique has changed over the past 10 years is technology; mainly the internet. There are many ways to market a product in the 21st Century over the internet, such as social networking; marketeers have created Twitter accounts with their own hashtags for example. 
Marketeers have insured their techniques are more direct and are individualised for example the iPhone 5C creating different colours. 

How has our understanding of marketing audiences changed in the 21st Century?

As an audience we have higher expectations and higher demands for products. There is also a bigger status when it comes to high expectations of these products for example Apple; it's like being in a club if you have an Apple product. 
We also have more power over products than ever before; we say what we want and the companies have to listen. Social Media also has a big impact in the way consumers interact with the organisations such as Tweeting our opinion on a new product; spreading the opinion across the internet with carries all around the world.

What is more important, the product or the marketing?

I think it's a mixture of both. The marketing because people are going to be enticed to buy a product and what is being said about it rather than the actual product. But then the product is important because of a status the product holds and the status the company hold.